Git and Linux


Lately I’ve been trying to find some ways to streamline my approach to updating my website. You see, I’m not using some fancy database based back-end solution. This is a static page. When I need to update my blog I generate the files locally on my PC, I type out my latest posts, I FTP into my site, delete the original contents, and finally dump the updated site in.

It’s easy enough, but a little time consuming. Curious to find a way to streamline the process and I realized… why can’t I just use git?

Enter GIT

Instead of having to keep deleting everything via FTP, why not push my changes via git and have them update on the backend? It took me a little bit to set up my SSH keys and whatnot, but the actual git part was easypeasy. Really all I’m doing is pushing to a bare repo on my webserver and have a post-receive hook script that then pushes all of the changed files to my live HTML folder. So now when I am done writing my latest and greatest article, I simply commit the changes and push to remote. Works for me!

Linux strikes again

I’ve been distro hopping a bit lately. Still trying to find that perfect distro that feels like home. I haven’t found it yet, but the search continues. I’m currently writing this post in VIM on Fedora 34. It’s rather quite nice, but I’ve never been a fan of GNOME. Maybe there’s something wrong with me, but it just feels so empty. My heart is still with Manjaro with XFCE, but with it being a rolling release stability just isn’t quite where I want it. Fedora feels nice and I’m sure I’d like it better with a different desktop environment. It’s hard to say really, but I have hope that the perfect distro for me is out there somewhere.

Game Dev updates!

Not too much to add here. Skeleton Cave is still moving along. I’ve added a bunch of new things to Cheems Challenge. I’m using the Cheems Challenge project to familiar myself with coding a game from scratch (minus the Monogame framework of course). It’s been a learning experience for sure and I hope to have a full game out soon!

That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

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